Code Replace

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Code Replace

Postby TheBrew » Tue Dec 04, 2018 2:56 pm

Note: Code Replace is only available to subscribers.

Code replacement is commonly used by sports photographers to easily input team member names, positions and more. Other uses could be for weddings or birthdays.

To manage codes, tap on any text field in the metadata editor. If the field is empty, simply tapping the Code Replace button (t-shirt glyph) to present the Code Replace manager. If the text field already contains some text, tapping and holding the button will also present the manager.

In the manager, you can maintain your Sets. Each set could be a different sports-team, a specific wedding or party.

For each set, you can add as many codes as you need.

An example set could be '2018-19 Trojan Womens Soccer' in which we make the common code prefix 'tws' followed by the team members jersey number. For the replacements we'll add to replacement values, the player's name and position on the team. Example:

tws1 -> Amy Offredi, keeper
tws2 -> Sarah Lepine, defender
tws3 -> Jaime McPherson, midfielder
..and so on.

Tip: If you prefer creating your code replacement sets as raw text files and later adding them to ShutterSnitch, make sure you save them as a .txt file and with the line format: code<tab>column value1<tab>column value2<return>

When all codes, names, and positions are filled in, tap 'Done' in the manager and confirm that there's a blue checkmark to the right of the set. That means it's active. Once your lists start to build up, there's a chance you'll be using the same code prefixes for some sets, so to avoid conflicts, you can tap a set to toggle the activated state - and only have the ones you want to work with turned on.

Now you can start using Code Replace. Close the Manager and give it a try.

In the case of our Trojan Womens Soccer set, typing tws3 in a metadata text field and then tapping the Code Replace button will replace the code with Jaime McPherson. If you want to fill out her position, type tws3 and press and hold the Code Replace button to pick from a list of all her replacement options.

You can also type tws and tap the CR button to see/pick from a complete list of all the first replacement values for codes with the tws-prefix.

If you've been using Code Replace with say, Photo Mechanic, you probably have a lot of code replacement files already. There are a few ways to get those files into ShutterSnitch:
* AirDrop or mail it to your iOS and open it in ShutterSnitch.
* Open it in ShutterSnitch via the Files app.
* If you have iCloud turned on, after your first visit to the Code Replace manager, a ShutterSnitch -> Code Replace folder will show up on your iCloud Drive. Copy the files to that folder and they'll automatically be synchronized to your device.

tws.mp4 [ 3.67 MiB | Viewed 27680 times ]

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