TimeStamp data wrong in ShutterSnitch (timezone issue)

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TimeStamp data wrong in ShutterSnitch (timezone issue)

Postby Sune-DK » Sun Jul 14, 2019 9:41 pm

I went on a great trip, I snapped a bunch of DSLR picts to my trusty ol' EyeFi card, and I logged my travels with GeoSnitch. All works great. Transferred pictures to ShutterSnitch. Works well. Then I travel back home and wish to do the geotagging. But - no pictures shows up to be tagged? It took a while for me to figure out it is because I am now in a different TimeZone. And so I use the great feature to change timestamp for the GeoSnitch file with minus XXX minutes. And then pictures shows up.

I cam make it work. But it is a bit surprising that Geodata from location file (incl. GPS timestamp) and metadata from image are not matched.

Is it possible to fix, so I can import my GeoSnitch log files and not have to compensate every time I do so?
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Re: TimeStamp data wrong in ShutterSnitch (timezone issue)

Postby TheBrew » Mon Jul 15, 2019 9:12 am

It's actually an issue with the parsing of the capture time in ShutterSnitch and is fixed in the next update - as long as the camera supports writing metadata according to the Exif 2.31 standard (which includes timezone offsets).

You can check if your files contain these offsets by tapping and holding the photo in the filmstrip, picking 'File information' and then see if the Exif section has some 'Offset Time' values.

..And make sure you update your camera settings to the correct timezone when traveling. :)
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Re: TimeStamp data wrong in ShutterSnitch (timezone issue)

Postby Sune-DK » Mon Jul 15, 2019 4:55 pm

Sounds good. Not sure the Nikon D600 includes this info, but understand this is more like a camera issue. How about making it possible to define a time-zone for pictures after import? That would address this camera shortcoming. Anyway. Works right now, just not optimal, but understand my camera has a shortcoming here.
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