I went on a great trip, I snapped a bunch of DSLR picts to my trusty ol' EyeFi card, and I logged my travels with GeoSnitch. All works great. Transferred pictures to ShutterSnitch. Works well. Then I travel back home and wish to do the geotagging. But - no pictures shows up to be tagged? It took a while for me to figure out it is because I am now in a different TimeZone. And so I use the great feature to change timestamp for the GeoSnitch file with minus XXX minutes. And then pictures shows up.
I cam make it work. But it is a bit surprising that Geodata from location file (incl. GPS timestamp) and metadata from image are not matched.
Is it possible to fix, so I can import my GeoSnitch log files and not have to compensate every time I do so?